In honor of Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Monsoon collaborated with Employee Family Resource (EFR) and Violence Intervention Prevention (VIP) to organize a ‘Mocktail and Movie Night’ at Drake University on April 5th, 2018. Guests participated in the interactive station exhibits planned by Monsoon’s Drake Campus Advocate and Youth Intern during the mocktail session of the event. The exhibits were created to raise awareness of drink-spiking and share methods to prevent it. Employee and Family Resource, another non-profit, collaborated with Monsoon to create exhibits sharing resources for campus sexual assault, examples of healthy alcohol use and serving sizes using exhibit materials, and various resources available to help with addiction and substance abuse. Monsoon also highlighted the issue of drink spiking by serving colorful mocktails at an interactive station in order to demonstrate how easily drinks can be spiked using fruits such as blueberry in place of actual drugs, provide helpful information to guests regarding appropriate ways to avoid drink spikes, and offer advice on how to handle sexual assault cases involving alcohol. Guests signed the consent pledge and participated in the bookmark trivia, which provided facts about SA cases on campus. After interacting with the station exhibits, guests had an opportunity to watch the movie premiere of “Don’t Tell Anyone” (No Le Digas a Nadie), a 2015 Peabody Award-winning documentary film directed by Mikaela Shwer focusing on immigrant activist Angy Rivera as she shares her parallel journey of coming out of the shadows as undocumented and a survivor of sexual abuse. Rivera becomes an activist for undocumented youth with a popular advice blog and a YouTube channel boasting more than 27,000 views. Overall, this was a fun, campus-wide event to educate the Drake community on the issues of campus sexual assault, drink spiking, and alcohol/substance abuse, and build a better understanding of the adversities faced by SA victims within the immigrant community. About 30-40 guests turned up for the event.