
University of Iowa Campus Crew Activities!

International students from the API communities have increased rapidly in recent years that community education about gender-based violence and providing related resources becomes more important.  As campus outreach and advocates, Monsoon campus are actively engaged in providing presentations to Hawkeyes. During international students’ orientation, Office of the Sexual Misconduct Response Coordinator (OSMRC) and Monsoon co-presented about healthy relationships.   The staff also presented to student organizations like Chinese Students and Scholars Association about Monsoon’s services and to educate their members in identifying gender-based violence. Last March, Monsoon staff was invited by Delta Phi Lambda to present on sexual violence.  The Daily Iowan did a news report about the event.

April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month,and Monsoon campus advocate also organized several public events –

  • “Boundaries: the Art of Self-Care”is a workshop for people to design their own self-care box and discuss the importance of boundaries in healthy relationships;
  • “Sole Survivor”is a public event to educate the public about sexual assault by displaying shoes, which represents the diversity of sexual assault victim/survivors.